
Designing and launching a new site for a fast-moving tech leader

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Relaunching a leader in customer interaction analytics with a world-class website tuned for customer acquisition.

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Challenge & Opportunity

How to modernize a web presence as an industry leader rebrands and uplevels its sales focus?

CallMiner, a leader in conversation analytics, was building a crescendo of brand focus, adding leadership, and expanding its customer focus. Its powerful customer interaction and conversation analytics platform needed a bigger stage, and a different type of content to make customer leadership aware of its strengths and capabilities. Additional internal operational and marketing-technology requirements also called for a re-platform to enable better collaboration on content, and implementation of a marketing automation and personalization system. In short, the team needed a beautiful, elegant site that showcased its brand, technology, and laser focus on customers.

Solutions & Outcomes

A website that is foundationally optimized for content engagement and customer acquisition is a must-have for today’s tech org.

The Formative team took on an extensive UX approach – including stakeholder interviews, data analysis, competitive analysis, information architecture, wireframes, and UI design.

We looked holistically at all functional and integrations requirements and developed a content infrastructure that allows for effortless expansion and growth. Developing and agreeing on a digital (site) strategy was crucial to inform the various decisions we needed to make along the way. This included perspective and strategic recommendations on the marketing technology stack – both existing and new. It also required an analysis of user governance (rights for each user) and localization requirements. Part of the initial digital strategy revolved around content – both auditing existing content that needed porting to the new site, and developing a new taxonomy that comprehended business and SEO requirements.

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Creating a secure, flexible and high-performing site was a key requirement for current and future success. Some facets of performance included achieving page load times of sub 2 seconds and providing a highly optimized mobile experience; creating a fully customizable mega-menu; separating content and code in ways that accelerated development and made for a faster launch; integrating lead-gen requirements with personalization capabilities that provide an optimized user experience for each audience; ensuring all content is fully optimized for search engines (SEO) & accessibility (including developing SEO-focused templates that are curated for specific use cases).

Content was a core focus of the re-platforming. CallMiner needed a CMS that had enterprise-grade security and controls that allowed CallMiner to lay the foundation for future growth. We developed a taxonomy that connects content via logic and natural relationships, eliminating the need to update the same content on multiple pages by developing a content infrastructure that scales efficiently. Implementing the leading CMS Contentful supported all of the client’s needs, and provided scale, but ensuring user-friendly content updates enabling the content marketing team to focus on content and not coding; providing a high level of user rights customization to only allow access to specific content based on assigned group permissions; and providing SSO integrations for additional security.

What We Delivered

  • Digital Strategy
  • UX/ UI Design and User Pathing
  • Content Infrastructure Development
  • Site Application Development
  • Increased page views by 23% while reducing bounce rate by 48%
  • Increased homepage engagement by 16%